I’ve often heard the term ‘you’re not a man until you’ve had a man’ thrown around.
I need to tell the world that the second I put on that stellar monument of flannelette perfection…
I knew it was my time to assist some young gentleman make the epic journey from boy, to man.
Also… it’s really fuckin warm.
Donna Bartram
It’s a Xmas present. No score to give
See above
Hugh Charles check vest
Absolutely love it. Only need long sleeve tshirt underneath. Great to deal with, always replys to enquiries and postage was pretty quick.
michael Jeffrey
Has not been received as yet. Was for a birthday present in November for our Son in WA. I will ask him for a review when he receives it.
Jeanelle Slater
Blue vest
I love it, only wish I had got the small but it will be big enough to go over all the necessary winter layers😊